Bloody serious

March 18, 2024, 11 a.m. - March 21, 2024, 8 p.m.


Dear students, donors and soon to be donors,

Bloedserieusweek 18th to 21th of March
Dear student, from the 18th till the 21th of March, you can become a hero and save lives. How? Come and donate blood during the Bloedserieusweek! All our donors will be given an amazing goodiebag as a ‘Thank you’ for your donation and effort!

Convinced? Make sure to check the conditions for a donation via and register via For more information, go
to Facebook- or Instagrampage: @bloedserieusleuven.

When you donate, don’t forget to tell us the name of your faculty (Faculty of science!!!) so that we can announce the ‘Best
Blooddonating Faculty’ of Leuven!

Places to be?
You can donate in different time slots and locations:
Mon & Tue: 11am - 8pm OHL VIP-lounge (Kardinaal Mercierlaan 46)

Wed & Thur: 11am - 8pm Gymnasium (Tervuursevest 101)

Are you unable to pay us a visit during the Bloedserieusweek or is a location fully booked? Then you can always visit the donor center (Gasthuisberg) on weekdays from 8:30am - 8pm.

Be there or be square!
The team of Bloedserieus