About us

Scientica is the partnership between the science student associations at KU Leuven. Together we represent the students of the Faculty of Science. A full overview of the fields of study of our students can be found here. Our goal is to combine 4 smaller student associations such that we :
- are stronger together in meetings with the university. For example at the Overarching Education Council (OOR)
- can organise bigger events together, like the yearly prom.
- can support our students better with a single course shop
- can unite the feeling
All this without detracting from the identity and friendliness of the various associations that form Scientica.
Scientica consists of three different departments:
- The Council of Student Associations is responsible for the activities of Scientica. Here the various circles organize activities together, such as the annual prom, the jobfair, and much more. The daily operations are provided by the CSA board, which consists of a chairman, an administrator, a vice-chairman and a secretary.
- The Overarching Education Council is the consultative body where all education representatives within the Faculty of Science sit together to take joint positions on education-related matters at our faculty, and at KU Leuven in general. The daily operations are in the hands of the chairman, vice-chairman, communications manager and the representatives in the faculty POC.
- The Course Shop has been responsible for the handbook sales at the Faculty of Science since the 2008-2009 academic year. The goal is and remains to offer as many handbooks as possible that are relevant to science students as cheaply as possible. Scientica Course Shop is managed by an end manager, a financial manager, a course manager and a books manager.
Scientica Leuven vzw covers these three departments. The decision-making body of Scientica Leuven vzw is the General Meeting (GM), where representatives from each student association sit. The GM is open to every student at the Faculty of Science. The reports of the GM will be available on this website.
At Scientica, we ensure everything runs smoothly thanks to our enthusiastic and dedicated board team. The daily operations are managed by our president, vice president, general manager, secretary, and activities coordinator. For the 2024-2025 academic year, our board consists of a group of motivated individuals!

Our rules, statutes and meeting minutes
Our rules and statutes can be found here.
Meeting minutes can be found here.
You can always contact us at voorzitter@scientica.be.